React Native Mobile App with Expo CLI and EAS CLI





Please Follow the React Native Mobile App with Expo CLI and EAS CLI steps:-
  • Step 1: Install Expo CLI. ...
  • Step 2: Create a new Expo project. ...
  • Step 3: Navigate to the project directory. ...
  • Step 4: Start the development server. ...
  • Step 5: Make changes to the app. ...
  • Step 6: Building for iOS and Android using EAS CLI.

Here are the steps to create a React Native mobile app using the Expo CLI and then building it for iOS and Android using the EAS CLI:

Step 1: Install Expo CLI

$ npm install -g expo-cli

✔️ Installed Expo CLI

Step 2: Create a new Expo project


$ expo init YourAppName

✔️ Created project "YourAppName"

Replace “YourAppName” with the desired name for your application.

Step 3: Navigate to the project directory

$ cd YourAppName

Step 4: Start the development server

$ expo start

✔️ Expo development server started


Step 5: Make changes to the app

Open the project in your preferred code editor and start making changes to the app’s code using React Native components.

Step 6: Building for iOS and Android using EAS CLI

$ npm install -g eas-cli

✔️ Installed EAS CLI

$ eas login

✔️ Successfully authenticated

$ eas build --platform ios

✔️ Building iOS app...

$ eas build --platform android

✔️ Building Android app...

Follow the prompts and provide the necessary information when prompted during the build process, such as choosing the target device, providing necessary certificates, etc.

Once the build is complete, you will receive a URL to download the app. You can also find the build artifacts in the Expo EAS Build dashboard.



interested in solving the problems based on technologies like Amazon AWS ,Google Cloud, Azure and Dot related technology like, C#, core API, swagger, react js,Jquery ,javascripts, bootstrap, css,html, ms sql,IIS,WPF ,WCF,Firebase,RDLC Report etc..

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